Linus: Say Charlie Brown, did you know that today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
Charlie Brown: Martin Luther King Jr., who's that?
Lucy: Charlie Brown, you ignorant blockhead! Martin Luther King Jr. is that "uppity" color fellow on the TV that my dad is always throwing his shoes at.
Charlie Brown: ???
Linus: Seriously Charlie, you're killing me here. Do you even have a TV in your house?
Charlie Brown: We're not allowed to watch much TV in between praying, doing our homework, and hiding from Dad when he tries to get in bed with us at night.
Linus: Uh, what? I don't...I don't even know what to say know what, let's just get back to Martin Luther King Jr.
Lucy: My Dad says that you shouldn't let the color man have too much freedom cause they're prone to get "rapey." He also says it's just another example of the color man being ungrateful for...hold on. Oh, hi Franklin.
Franklin: (Waves briefly before leaving frame)
Lucy: (under her breath) And my Dad says it's just the color man being ungrateful as usual, cause at least since they get their own bathrooms and water fountains they get to wait in shorter lines.
Linus: Yeah, well my Dad says that your Dad works at the train yard cause he's an uneducated hick that huffs gasoline.
Lucy: Well my Dad says your Mom does a poor job of tucking her penis between her legs.
Linus: Well my Dad says your Dad would know how to tuck his penis properly since he used to bend over for Chinese businessmen in dark alleys...
Franklin: Guys, guys, guys hold on now. Look, I heard everything you guys have been saying. And Yeah Lucy your dad does sound a like an uneducated hillbilly, and Charlie Brown you do need to read a book or something cause seriously brother you come off as borderline mentally challenged, and Linus your mother does have an unusual sized bulge for a person of her gender (plus that five o' clock shadow), but you shouldn't hold any of that against each other. The message behind Dr. King's words is to love and except each other despite all of your varied differences. After all, If you can't love each other than how can you learn to love yourselves?
Linus: You're right. I guess I'm sorry guys
Lucy: Yeah, me too. I guess my Dad can be pretty wrong sometimes.
Charlie Brown: Well gee Franklin, this Martin Luther King Jr. sure does sound like a swell guy. Maybe someday he might even live to be the President of the United States!
Franklin: Pfft, I doubt that as long as you still got all the power whitey. I'm sure that nigga's got a few bullets with his name on it ready to be pumped into his black behind as we speak. Now see me personally, I'm more of a Malcolm X man myself. So we can be friends for now but if you ever try that "pulling the football away at the last minute" stunt on me I'll shank you, and that's keeping it 100 (urban dictionary) honky. Deuces! (raises fist and departs)
Linus: Wow Lucy, I think I'm starting to see what your Dad means when he says "uppity" now.
Charlie Brown: Borderline mentally challenged? Those are big words from a guy who's hair looks like he's wearing a bath rug on the top of his head.
Linus: Good grief Charlie Brown.
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