Good evening UD community, hows it been since last we met? Yeah that's great, listen I'm gonna need to cut you off though cause I kind of have more important things to get to, but good talk. As UD's resident Christian (oh noes, RELIGION!) now hold on...hold on wait a second, unroll those eyes friend I'm not here to pass out pamphlets or anything (although I do have a few fliers if you're interested). I'm simply here to wish you all a Merry Christmas (and to everybody who may not choose to participate, Happy...Saturday I guess).
Now is the day to celebrate the birth of our Lord (oh yeah, that Jesus thing does have something to do with it). I mean, at this point it's pretty much common knowledge that Jesus wasn't born anywhere near this time of year, he's actually projected to have been born around the summer season closer to late June. It's also known at this point that the holiday itself borrows heavily from the Pagan winter festival known as Yule as well as some other early celebrations of the Sun. Did you know mistletoe actually has it's fair share of Pagan ties itself? It's also known as a parasitic plant that's a major hindrance to the timber industry. So yeah, think on that the next time you're smooching on the Lord's inaccurately placed birthday. Oh, and don't even get me started on the whole Santa Claus gimmick, just a small part in the attempt of taking something sacred and making it about greed and consumerism (you know, the way the Illuminati really wants it). Do you think the original Saint Nicholas is thrilled about the idea of his name forever being associated with the attempt to show up Jesus on his on his own B-day? He's probably rolling in his grave, or tomb, or sarcophagus...whatever they did with dead people back then.
You know what, this is all beyond the point. The point is that no matter where your beliefs may lay I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons. So have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah (didn't that start recently? Whatever, Matthew's Jewish or something ask him about it), and I don't know...have a jolly Kwanzaa or whatever it is you're supposed to say (it doesn't matter anyway, black people only kind of pretend to care about that one and it's mainly just to throw white people off).
Enjoy yourselves, it's a celebration!
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